Normal isn’t optimal 🙅♀️
Are your labs normal but you feel anything but normal? You may want to have someone take a closer look at your bloodwork if you are experiencing symptoms that can’t be explained by your “normal" test results. Further testing might also be useful! 🔍
Normal results mean that you fall within a big reference range created by taking an average of a group of people within our population. Comparing your individual lab results to the reference ranges poses some problems. Normal compared to what and to who? Normal for you or for someone else? Are these “normal" results causing you symptoms? Are your labs optimal for you?
Reference ranges are made from an average of both unhealthy and healthy people and from people of different ages - and sexes depending on the test. Lab results are only excluded from the calculation for reference ranges if the individual is:
• pregnant
• diagnosed with a serious medical illness or chronic condition
• self-reporting the use of prescription medication
• in the 2.5th or 97.5th percentile (on the very extreme ends of tests)
The “normal” range can include people with nutrient deficiencies, sub-optimal values, and poor health. 🤦♀️ The range includes people that are trending towards a diseased state or have a condition but haven’t yet been diagnosed. There may also be issues with lack of self reporting of medications which can impact some tests.
O P T I M I Z E ✨ Let’s work to optimize your body! You deserve to be more than just average. Comparing your results to the averages is useful... but optimizing your test results and your body is best! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You should be treated like the unique individual that you are 👊🏼