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My Critique of Canada's New Food Guide

🎈Canada’s Food Guide got an upgrade last week and it’s pretty great!!🎈

We went from recommended servings & 4 specific food groups to a simple healthy plate schematic. We also went from a guide heavily influenced by corporations within the food industry to a collaborative and more evidence-based guide that had some input from Naturopathic Doctors 🎉.

I love these recommendations: ✅ cook more often 😍 ✅ limit processed foods & foods high in sugar… eat REAL food! 👌🏼 ✅ dairy is no longer considered a food group ✅ eat more plants! 🥬🥦 ✅ 1/4 plate protein (meat and/or plant-based) ✅ water is the drink of choice 💧 ✅ HOW you eat is important! ✅ eat meals with others & enjoy your meals 🙌🏼 ✅ be mindful of your eating habits by creating a healthy eating environment ✅ be aware of food marketing & use food labels (labels will be changing by 2020 👀)

Some more things I would have liked to see: • include healthy fats with each meal (like olive oil, avocado/avocado oil, coconut oil). Drizzle that plate with extra-virgin olive oil! 👅 • ditch the canola oil, processed vegetable oils, and margarine 🙅‍♀️ • eat more veggies than fruit (and fresh or frozen > canned!) 🥬🥦🥕🥒 • saturated fat is not associated with heart disease - this concept is outdated 🤦‍♀️ (more on this another day) • real butter, ghee and coconut oil are not bad and are certainly more nutritious than margarine • meat is not unhealthy, especially if it is well-sourced • organic sources of food are ideal • visit your local market & farms and shop local when you can!

Remember that although this is a major upgrade to our food guide, individualization and listening to your body is best! 💪🏼

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